Monday, August 31, 2015

Disney Food Adventures!

In late May, I was able to go to Disneyland with my friends. Wooooo~! We had a great time and ate lots of fooood~ We went the same week that they were transition to the 60th Anniversary.  We actually left the day before the actual anniversary.  So luckily, we were able to avoid the whole bunches of people going to Disneyland for the celebration~ Anyway, I'll share you some of Disneyland's exclusive treats that I was able to experience.


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Instant Jjajangmyeon

For Breakfast, I decided to cook instant Jjajangmyeon.  Jjajangmyeon (자장면) is a Korean-Chinese dish that is made of noodles with black soybean paste.  In Korea, you can order these and are like fast food.  Instant Jjajangmyeon is like instant ramen.  You can buy instant packs in Korean Markets: if you live in Las Vegas, you can get it at places like Greenland Market.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Illumilatte Brew Society

Today, my friend took me to Illumilatte Brew Society.  I called it the Illuminate many times~ Anyway, this was my first time going there.  My friend really likes this place, so I'll probably make more post about the food in later posts.  I'll just talk about my experience being here for the first time. time. It was a bit smaller then I thought it would be, but it seems popular since it was crowded. Luckily, a girl nicely let us sit on the opposite couch of hers'.  They have tables, soft chairs, and couches to seat around and talk or do schoolwork.  It has a nice calming atmosphere where you can chill, relax, and maybe study.

今日、私の友達はIllumilatte Brew Societyに連れて行きました。Illumilatte Brew Societyは喫茶店です。とにがく、その喫茶店に初めて行きました。私の友達はその場所が好きですから、たぶんもっと行くと思います。この時、私の初めて経験を話します。入った時、喫茶店はちょっと小さいと思ったけど、あの場所がちょっとこんでいれば人気みたいです。うんがよっかた、やさしくて女性は私たちをいっしょうに座れてくれました。場所に話や学校をして出来ます。多い人々は勉強をしました。いいな空気があります。

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I was able to visit the Santa Monica Pier over the summer break and had a fun time! There was different things that I saw and food that I ate.  I want to talk about a Hot Dog stand which was my first time to see this stand, JAPADOG.  JAPADOG is a hot dog stand that sells hot dogs that had Japanese ingredients in them.  Japan + Hot Dog = JAPADOG.  When I first saw it I had to try it! It is a pretty famous hot dog stand at the Santa Monica Pier.  Many celebrities have been there like Anthony Bourdain and Chris Pines, I believe.

夏休みには、サンタモニカピエールに行きました。楽しかったです!色々なこと見てたべものを食べました。ホットドッグのスタンを話したいのはJAPADOGです。JAPADOGは日本のざいりょを使います。初めて見た時、絶対に食べたかったです!サンタモニカピエールにけっこう有名な場所でと思います。多い有名人はAnthony BourdainとかChris Pinesとかその場所に行きました。

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Greektown Gyro Flavor Chip

Today for lunch, I was able to taste one of the new flavors by Lay's: Kettle Cooked Greektown Gyro.  The smell was familiar, but I couldn't quite name the smell. It was thicker that normal Lay's chips, probably because it was Kettle Cooked, but it threw me off. It was good, but I expected the flavor of the chip to be stronger.  I could taste the taste of vegetables and spices they use in Gyro, but the taste wasn't as strong as I believed it would be.  It was good to eat, it didn't overpower the flavor of other foods eat with it (in my case was a sandwich). Overall, it was a interesting flavor and tasted good, just the taste of the flavor was a little weak to be.  I hope you try one of the new flavors and comment your thought on this flavor and the other new Lay's chip.  Also, what flavor would you have chosen to make? I was thinking Adobo flavor~

今日の昼ごはんはチップを食べました。チップの味はGreektown Gryoです。この味は私の初めてです。においがちょっと分かったですけど、においを覚えてないです。おいしいですが味はあまりつよくなかったです。やさいとスパイスを食べてできるけど、あじはつよくないと思います。このチップはサンドイッチといっしょに食べておいしいですよ。おもしろくておいしいです、でも、あじはよわかったです。Greektown Gryoをちゃんと食べて下さいね~^_^Lay'sのチップがどな味が好きですか。教えて下さい~

Monday, August 24, 2015

Kyu-Kyu-Kyute Boba~

Kyu-kyu-kyute Boba! (Hehe see what I did there~) So, I went to a Boba place called QQ Boba. It's a Boba place: a shop that has drinks like tea or smoothies with tapioca balls (or sometimes it can be something else like jelly, etc.) QQ Boba is in Henderson, Nevada. I like Milk tea, so I got my usually~ The flavor was really good and the texture of the Boba was soft and chewy. You can get the drink without boba if you prefer no boba in your drink (like my sister). 

「QQ Boba」に行きました。お茶とスムージーとか、タピオカに入って買うのボバみせです。そして、ジェリーやくだものも入ってできます。「QQBoba」はヘンだソン、ネバダにいます。私はミルクティーがだいすきですから、この味を買いました。美味しくて、ボバはフワフワでした。そして、飲み物にボバを入られなくてほしいですが。

Hope you try some Boba drinks~

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hi~! My name is Grace and I'm a 21 years old College student.  This blog will be about: Foods that I get that looks picture worthy and my opinion on the taste.  I'm a film major so I watch lots of movies in class and sometimes on my free time. I'll talk about the movies or dramas I've seen that moved me.  I'm really into Asian Culture so I might be talking about Asian movies and dramas, maybe some variety shows.  Also, if I find a interesting place, I might write about it also.  I learned Japanese in High School and I'm continuing it in College.  To practice my Japanese, I'm going to write almost, "almost" the translation of what I write in English. To people who know Japanese, sorry if my grammar might be wrong; also, sorry if my English is bad too hehe~ I'll do my best and I hope you're not bored of my blog. Thank you very much~!^_^

こんにちわ~私はグレイスです。二十一歳大学の生とです。このブロッグは食べ物や映画についています。食べ物の写真を取れて話しています。そして、私のせんこは映画ですから、映画とドラマとたぶんばんくみの面白い事を話します。 それで、面白い場所をみつけてなら、たぶん場所について書きます。このブロッグは英語と日本語を書きます。高校と大学に日本語を勉強していますから、私の日本語はちょっと上手ないです。すみません。日本語を勉強してがんばります!このぶろっぐを面白いほしいです。よろしこおねがいします~!^-^