Friday, March 17, 2017

Power Ranger Donuts at Krispy Kreme/クリスピークリームのパワーレンジャードーナツ

In honor of the Power Ranger movie releasing on March 24, Krispy Kreme offers the Power Ranger Donuts for a Limited time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Cafe de ALPS Station/カフェデアルプススタイシオン

A bus turned into a restaurant located in Lipa, Philippines, serves coffee, pasta, sandwiches, and etc.  It is surrounded by other restaurants, so you'll have to keep an eye out for the place.  You can eat upstairs on top of the bus, eat inside the bus, or sit in front of the bus.  We sat eat in front of the bus because the tables were full inside, and it was windy on top.